About Us

Sarah’s Story
Much of Sarah’s life has been defined by her love of animals. As a very young child, she was particularly fascinated with horses – any horse or pony would capture her eye, and usually, her heart would follow shortly after. Born in the UK she can recall her first-ever equine experience at five years old – riding a harness pony called Dolly in Ireland.
Many years later her powerful connection to horses (and more recently donkeys!) remains incredibly strong.
With over 40 years of owning, showing, competing, rescuing, carriage driving, and training horses, Sarah’s experience speaks for itself. Anyone who has seen her interact with her horses can see how natural and intuitive her relationship with these formidable animals is.
Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Grad Diploma in Public Relations and was able to forge a career combining her love of animals and a profession….which led to a fruitful career as RSPCA’s Public Relations and Fundraising Officer. Over the years, her work in the not-for-profit and fundraising sector helped to enhance her passion for people too, which is second only to her passion for horses.
It was through this desire to help people and to open them to the profound healing power of horses that led her to study and attain her certification as an Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner. She feels that incorporating her love of animals into a therapeutic environment that can have such a tangible and powerful impact on people is truly her life’s calling.